Monday, June 30, 2008

The rumors are true!

I am here to set the record straight and to put an end to all of the rumors and questions. We are most definitely moving to Spain. Ian and I have been praying about missions for about 6 years now- the time just never seemed right. So late last year Ian and I both felt the call so strong we could no longer put it off. Now was the time. We began the application process with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in late August. After having been poked, prodded, questioned, and analyzed we were finally approved by the trustees last Tuesday. So, what does that mean? That means that we are almost finished with the process of being appointed. We have to attend an appointment week either in early September or late October, then we will go to an 8 week training in Richmond, VA in either October or January. About 10 days after we finish our training we will be deployed.  We are a little iffy on the exact dates because of some challenges with our Social Security status. Ian opted out of SS several years ago and now we are having to get back in so that we are able to get the kind of travel visas we need. This may seem like an easy task, but we are dealing with the government, sllllooowwww, and it is very likely that we will have to pay a nice penalty. We are now just in the waiting process as soon as we get the appropriate paper work we will be all ready to go.
Where are we going? We are going to San Sebastian, Spain to work with the Basque people. Click here for more info on the region and to see some AMAZING pictures. So that is what we are doing in a nut shell.
I am absolutely terrified. As most of you already know, I have a family history of anxiety and it has reared it's ugly head in my life since moving here to LA. I have vowed that my fear and anxiety will not paralyze me and rob me of LIFE. For me, this experience represents how the Lord is going to use me and my gifts for His good and also for Him to be able to do a work in my life in terms of my anxiety. I am being forced to do scary things! I think it is fab! This is the legacy that I want to leave for my children-not the one where they are raised by a mother who is fearful of what "might" happen and therefore, misses out on life. Not only that, but a mother who doesn't encourage them to LIVE because of what "might" happen. I want to leave a legacy of absolute abandon and obedience-no matter how crazy or scary. My family is having a rough time with this (you can pray for them)- I am leaving the country with my children...I must have lost my mind. I DID in fact, loose my mind. I am trying to live with the mind of Christ. I could go on forever, but I will just say that I am so grateful for the journey that the Lord is taking us on and I cannot wait to see how things unfold. Please pray for us as we continue to wait on our paper work and work out all of the timing of selling our house, and transitioning ourselves and the children.


Katie said...

Wow! This is so amazing. I will be praying for you, Ian and the girls as you embark on the adventure with the Lord. I am so proud of you!

Heather said...

praying for you sweet KT!

Todd and Rebecca said...

Good stuff. Keep us posted during your time in Spain. This sounds really exciting!!

Melanie said...

I am so excited for you, Ian and the girls! I will watch and pray with you excitedly as you set out on this God adventure. Have you read Kay Warren's Dangerous Surrender? If not, it might be timely...I am in the middle of it right now. Blessings to you all...prayers are close.

anthonyandbeth said...

wow! so proud of you and ian and your choosing to follow God's leading for your family. we will pray for you and PLEASE make sure we are on the "list" to know how your ministry is going and how we can help support you.